Frequently Asked Questions
- What is FAMSA GA 2018?
- What is the theme of this conference?
- Why should I attend this conference?
- How can I register?
To register, please visit www.famsaga2018.com/register for more details and fill the registration form. A reply email will be sent to you confirming your registration and also further instructions
- How much is registration fee for this GA?
For students; Registration only: $67, Registration and (pre- and post-conference) Transportation: $81, Registration and Excursion: $73, all payment: $87. For Professionals; Registration only: $75, Registration and Transport: $89, Registration and Excursion: $81, All Payments: $95. Note that these payments DOES NOT include accommodation, as it will be paid separately.
Learn more about fees here.
- Can I pay my registration fee on arrival?
No, all delegates must register and pay before arriving at the venue. This is ensure adequate logistics planning for delegates. To pay for the conference, kindly register, and follow the instructions on the reply mail.
- Is accommodation free for this GA and scientific conference?
The accommodation arranged by the organizing committee will be paid for. There are budget-friendly, premium and luxury accommodations available.
- Is the Scientific conference different from the General Assembly (GA)?
Yes, they are different. The General Assembly is the highest policy making body of the Federation. This is where the activities of the Federation are reviewed with the rules of legislature, and also the electoral gathering for the appointing of new executives of the Federation. It is at the General Assembly that the ongoing executive council are reviewed and dissolved, and another council elected in its place for another administrative year.
- Can non-Africans attend the General Assembly?
Non-Africans can attend the Scientific Conference which includes plenary sessions, oral presentations, workshops, short courses, trainings, hackathons and social events. Non-Africans may wish to observe the assembly, but they cannot participate. Only African medical students will be allowed to participate (that is, make contributions) in the FAMSA general assembly. During The electoral process, only the delegation appointed by appropriate authorities of the respective medical students associations (Dean of faculty, association president or as according) can vote. The modalities for this meeting will be sent to delegates before their arrival.
- Do I get to have breakfast and dinner if I do not pay for accommodation?
No. registration without paying for accommodation only guarantees lunch every day.
- Can I stay outside the provided accommodation for the event?
- How can I obtain a Nigerian visa?
Delegates are advised to visit www.portal.immigration.gov.ng to apply for a visa online. Delegates can also visit the Nigerian Embassy in their country to apply. An invitation letter will be sent to delegates upon confirmation of payment, however if required earlier, it may be requested for after confirmation of payment.
- I would be coming to the GA through the airport, how do I find my way to my lodgment?
All delegates coming into Nigeria (especially for the first time) to the GA are strongly advised to pay for at least ‘registration and transportation’ as this will guarantee that their transport logistics to and from the airport is covered. However, delegates can reach the members of organising committee on dedicated numbers as they find their way to their lodgment. Location of hotels for each delegates would have been sent to delegates prior to arrival.
- How can French speaking delegates benefit maximally from this General Assembly and Scientific Conference?
Official documents and information regarding the conference will be made available in both French and English languages, however the official language to be used during the conference will be English including the Conference Book accompanied with a brief summary at the end by the Masters of Ceremonies.